Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Book Survey

1.Which book has been on your shelves the longest?
I have no idea! I have so many books that i don't know which one arrived first.

2. What is your current read, your last read and the book you’ll read next?
The last book I read was F.Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby and currently reading The journals of Sylvia Plath.
3. What book did everyone like and you hated?
I don't stick with books I hate but I felt that I needed to finish Ayn rand even though I despised her and her stupid, squalid little stories.

4. Which book do you keep telling yourself you’ll read, but you probably won’t?

5. Which book are you saving for “retirement?”

6. Last page: read it first or wait till the end?
Wait to the end!

7. Acknowledgements: waste of ink and paper or interesting aside?
I read the acknowledgements. The author has written them for a reason and the people listed aided the story.

8. Which book character would you switch places with?
Alice in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, Lestat in Anne Rice's Vampire Lestat. It had for me to determine though because I mainly read dystopia novels like Brave new world and Animal farm. These novels do not have characters you would want to be, they are worlds we must avoid.

9. Do you have a book that reminds you of something specific in your life (a person, a place, a time)?
Too many people. Too many stories.

10. Name a book you acquired in some interesting way.
Most of my books are bought second hand which I think is interesting in itself. I love finding the notes people have written and left in their books long after the paper has turned brown and frayed at the edges. I find bus tickets, bookmarks and once even a condom wrapper.

11. Have you ever given away a book for a special reason to a special person?
I'm always buying books for a certain someone but I'm yet to see him read them. The first edition 1960 print of that epic Huey Pierce Long book is still sitting there.
12. Which book has been with you to the most places?
I have had my childhood books the longest like Cinderella, Whose behind the door?, Grug and Beatrix Potter. I have now given them to my son. It s amazing to sit down with him on my knee and read the exact same stories that I read as a child. He absolutely loves books too.

13. Any “required reading” you hated in high school that wasn’t so bad ten years later?
No! Navigating is still tedious and predictable.

14. What is the strangest item you’ve ever found in a book?
I stated above, a condom wrapper made better by the fact that the book was called 'Lucky'.

15. Used or brand new?

16. Stephen King: Literary genius or opiate of the masses?
Opiate of the masses unless it's under his pseudonym Bachman. Green mile was also potent.

17. Have you ever seen a movie you liked better than the book?
This never happens.

18. Conversely, which book should NEVER have been introduced to celluloid?
I don't know but I'm terrified of watching he film adaption of 1984.

19. Have you ever read a book that’s made you hungry, cookbooks being excluded from this question?

20. Who is the person whose book advice you’ll always take?
My fiancé Mark's.


  1. "I don't stick with books I hate but I felt that I needed to finish Ayn rand even though I despised her and her stupid, squalid little stories." Why did you need to finish Ayn Rand?

  2. I needed to finish Ayn Rand because her philosophy of Objectivism is what has shaped the modern era of politics. Rand outlined a flawed idea that is now the backbone of the Tea party movement, several other political ideologies and financial institutions the world over. To understand the modern world and its obsession with the self you must read Ayn rand regardless of how painful it is.
